White Castle: The $3 Bacon Threesome

Merkley + Partners

CDs: Eddie Van Bloem and Saks Afridi  |  CW: Michael Williams

White Castle came to us with a combo meal that we decided to make sexual. 


After we launched, we captured a few testimonials for our social channels.

We trolled people on Tinder, an app people use to have sex. 

White Castle wants you to have a threesome

Last week on Tinder, some users were met with what appeared to be a profile for two people. The couple, Peggy and Scott, encourage users in their bio to swipe right if they're down for a "bacon threesome," a terrifying image.

Bacons Eat Free


When you get down to it, this deal was all about bacon. It really had nothing to do with sex. Fortunately International Bacon Day fell during the limited time offer, and we celebrated by giving everyone named "Bacon" a free $3 Bacon Threesome. We @ed Kevin but he didn't care.